The Meaning of Ahli sunnah Wal Jamaah.
Meaning of Ahl al-Sunnah is that adherents of the Sunnah of the Prophet. Erties is wal Jamaah Jamaat follower I'tiqad as i'tiqad The friends of the Prophet. The Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamaah are a people who embrace i'tiqad as adopted by the Prophet Muhammad and The friends king.
I'tiqad Prophet and The friends that have been enshrined in the Qur'an and the Sunnah is not structured, not organized, but later collected and neatly formulated by a great scholar Usuluddin, ie Sheikh Abu Hassan Ali al-Ash'ari (Born in Basra in 260 H-died in Basra was also the year 324H at the age of 64 years). Because that there are people who give names to the Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamaah with the 'Asya'riyah plural of Ash'ari, attributed to Imam Abu Hassan Ali al-Ash'ari tersebut.Dalam ordinary books Usuluddin also found the word "Sunni" stands Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah, the people called "Sunniyun".
Those in the book "Ihtihaf Sadatul Muttaqin" by Imam Muhammad bin Muhammad Al Husni Az Zabidi namely the book Sharh of the book "Ihya Ulummuddin" Authorship Imam Al Ghazali, in volume 2, the initial letter of 6, written:
"If called the Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamaat, the intention is that the people who follow the formula (fahaman) Ash'ari and Abu Mansur Al Maturidi fahaman." Who is Abu Mansur Al Maturidi this? Abu Mansur Al Usuluddin Maturidi is a scholar as well, which berfahaman and i'tiqadnya same or nearly the same as Abu Hassan al-Ash'ari. He died in a village called Maturidi, Samarqand, Central Asia in the year 333H latter 9 years of Imam Abu Hassan al-Ash'ari.
It has become customary practice in the Islamic world, that unlicensed religious laws were excavated from the Quran and Hadith by an Imam, then the law is named sect. The result is called ijtihad Imam Hanafi Hanafi school, the result is called ijtihad Maliki Imam Maliki, Imam Syafie results of ijtihad are called sects Syafie and the results of ijtihad Imam Ahamad bin Hambal School named Hambali, although in essence it is the religion of God which is expressly or terisrat contained in the Al Quran and Hadith. So also in matters i'tiqad. Search results Quran and Hadith by Imam Abu Hassan al-Ash'ari, although in essence Imam Abu Hassan Al-Ash'ari just browse, formulate, menfatwakan, broadcast, maintaining what already exists in the Qur'an and Hadith as well, what have DII 'tiqadkan by Prophet Muhammad SAW and The friends king.
In Islamic history has recorded the existence of firqah-firqah (group) in the Muslim milieu, which is among one another fahamannya sharply contradicts that are difficult to reconcile, let alone to be united. This is already a fact in history that should not be changed again, and has become a science embodied in religious books, especially in the books Usuluddin. Anyone who reads the books Usuluddin will meet with sayings such as Shia, Khawarij, Mu'tazilites, Qadariah, Jabariah, Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamaat, Mujasimah, Bahaiah, Ahmadiah, Wahabiah and so forth.
Muslims especially knowledgeable religion was not surprised to see and read this, because the prophet Muhammad SAW was also mengkhabarkan on the king's lifetime.
There are many traditions associated with the existence of a berselisihan firqah-firqah ideology in the Muslim milieu.
Prophet Muhammad SAW said that meant: "So that anyone who lives (long) nescaya amongst you will see the dispute (the schools) that much. When it Be firm grasp Sunnahku and Sunnah Caliph Ar Rasyidin given guidance. Be firm grasp it and gigitlah with gerahammu. "(Hadith narrated by Imam Abu Dawud and others. See Sunan Abu Daud juz 4, the initial letter of 201)
The purpose of this tradition is clear, that there will be perselisian ideology in the Muslim milieu and that the Prophet Muhammad ordered Muslims to hold fast when it is the Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Prophet Caliph Ar Rasyidin (Hadrat Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman and Ali RDA)
Prophet Muhammad SAW said that meant: "There will be 30 people within my people that he is a liar who accuse the Prophet. I am a prophet cover, there is no Prophet after me. "(Tirmidhi Hadith, Sahih Tirmizi see juz 9, the initial letter of 63)
Prophet Muhammad said that meant: "It would be out of a people at the end of the age, young people berfaham ugly. They say many words "Khairil Bariyah" (That is the argument or the words of God which was brought by the prophet). Their faith did not go beyond their throat. They come out of religion as a launching arrows from busurnya.Kalau these people meet you, resist them. "(Hadith Sahih Bukhari Imam History, see the book Fath Bari juzu 15, beginning
letter 315) It is clear that in this tradition will be no prophet-by-group of young people who like to issue religious fatwas based on the proposition Quran and Hadith, but their faith very thin and even faith itself as quickly exit out of arrows from his bow .
His intention is that they are a lot of talk / chat using the argument of the Qur'an and Hadith, but they own no religion, no prayer, no fasting and not running the demands of religion.
Prophet Muhammad SAW said that meant: "
There are 2 firqah of my people that they essentially have no link with Islam that is the Murjiah and the Qadariah. "(Hadith narrated by Imam Tirmizi. See Sahih Tirmizi juz 8, beginning
letter 316) The Murjiah and Qadariah no relationship with Islam, said the Prophet Muhammad. Na'udzubillah!
And the word of the Prophet SAW that mean: "From Huzaifah ra, he said: Rasul SAW said: For every race there is Majusinya and Zoroastrian my people are those who deny destiny. if they die, do not attend the funeral and when they are sick, do not dijenguk. They are the Antichrist. Indeed Allah has the right to enter them into groups of the Antichrist. "(Hadith narrated by Abu Daud, Sunan Abu Daud Juz 4, page 222)
Those in the book of Hadith: Abu Hurairah ra, he said, that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "It has been berfirqah-firqah to 71 firqah Jews and the Christians like it too and will berfirqah firqah my people over 73." (Hadith Tirmizi. See Sahih Tirmizi Juz 10, the initial letter of 109)
The Prophet SAW said that meant: "Bahawasanya children
Israel has berfirqah firqah of 72 and 73 will berfirqah firqah my people, they will enter Hell except one. "The friends who hear this greeting to ask:" Who is that one O Messenger of Allah? "The Prophet replied:" That one is the person who stick as a handle grip and my friends. "(This Hadith narrated by Imam Tirmizi, see Sahih Tirmizi, juz 10, the initial letter of 109)
Mentioned in the Book of Thabrani, that free-meaning the Prophet SAW said: "By Allah who holds Muhammad's soul in His hand, will berpecah 73 firqah my people, which one entered heaven and others go to Hell." Questioning the Companions: 'Who do not go to Hell) it O Messenger of Allah? "the prophet answered:" Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamaat. "(This Hadith narrated by Imam Thabrani)
The same Hadith means is also in the book "Al Milal wan Nihal" Juz 1 page 11, article Syahrastani (d. 548H).
Prophet Muhammad SAW said that meant: "There will be a party of my Ummah who remain on the truth until the Day of Resurrection and they remain on the Truth."
(Hadith Sahih Bukhari narrated, see Fath Bari juz 17, the beginning letter of 56)
Looking at the traditions that valid conclusions can be drawn:
1. Rasul SAW mengkhabarkan something that will happen in a Muslim neighborhood in the miracle that is mengkhabarkan things that will happen. Khabar is certainly the king received than Allah SWT.
2. After the prophet Muhammad's death there will be a lot of schools perselisishan samapai 73 schools / i'tiqad.
3. There are a host of young people at the end of time which is always out the arguments from the Qur'an, but their faith is not separated from their esophagus.
4. There are 2 classes that have no link with Islam that is the Murjiah and Qadariah.
5. There are 30 people liars who call themselves are going to indict the Prophet, when the prophet after the Prophet SAW did not exist anymore. And there are those Khawarij evil.
6. Among the 73 groups that there is a correct one class namely the Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamaah which has always held to the Sunnah of the Prophet and the Sunnah of the Caliph Ar Rasyidin.
They will always defend the truth until the day Kiamat.Dan i'tiqadnya now anyone who examines the historical development of Islam from the first centuries, second, third and samapai to our day, what was spoken by the prophet Muhammad SAW is the real truth.
The essays in the book Bughyatul Mustarsyidin Mufti Sheikh Abdurrahman bin Muhammad bin Syed Husein ibn Umar that dimasyhurkan with Ba'Alawi mat 398 at the beginning of the letter, prints Mathba'ah Amin Abdul majid, Kaherah (1381H), that 72 was a false firqah be based on 7 firqah namely:
1. The Shia, the exaggerated worship Hadrat Ali kwh. They do not recognize the Caliph, the Caliph Abu Bakr, Umar and Usman raThe Shi'ah berpecah to 22 streams.
2. Kharijites namely the excessive hate Syidina Ali kwh, even someone who mengkafirkan Hadrat Ali kwh. This Firqah berfatwa that people who make a big sin to be infidels. This Kharijites kemudiaian berpecah to 20 streams.
3. The people who berfaham Mu'tazilites namely that God Almighty does not have the nature that man makes his own work, that God Almighty should not be seen with the eye of heaven, that people who do great sin is placed between 2 places, and the ascension of Prophet Muhammad SAW only by the spirit Just and others. The flow is berpecah to 20.
4. The Murjiah the people who make immoral that unlicensed menfatwakan no harm if you already believe, as the situation is to make virtue was not beneficial when you're an infidel.
5. The people who menfatwakan Najariah namely that free human action is a creature that is made of Allah, but they argue that the nature of God Almighty does not exist. These people berpecah into 3 streams.
6. The people who menfatwakan jabariah namely that free this man "majbur" powerless means nothing. Kasab or no effort at all. The is only 1 stream.
7. The Musyabbihah namely that menfatwakan the likeness of God Almighty that unlicensed exist with humans, eg, hands, legs, sitting on chairs, climbing stairs, down stairs and others. The course is only 1 stream.
So the numbers are:
- Flow of the Shi'ah 22
- Kaum Khawarij 20 flow
- Kaum Mu'tazilites 20 flow
- Kaum Murjiah 5 flow
- Kaum Najariah 3 flow
- Kaum Jabariah a flow
- Kaum Musyabihah a flow Total flow 72.
When coupled with a flow again with the schools of Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamaah then cukluplah firqah 73, as described by the prophet Muhammad in the hadith narrated by Imam Tirmizi. Thus the book Bugyatul Mustarsyidin.
As for the Qadariah including Mu'tazilites group, The Qadiani Ahmadiah Bahaiah and enter gomongan the Shi'ah, the Ibn Taymiyyah included in the class of the Musyabbihah and the Wahhabis, including the executor of the Ibn Taymiyyah.
In the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, all easy and happy because segalla something can be asked to him. The friends of the Prophet gathered in front of the Prophet to hear the divine revelation that down at any time. There are among those who wrote it and there are revelations that memorization alone.
Allah says: "And ye Allah is Allah the One, there is no Allah save Him, The Nanny and the Merciful." (Al Baqarah: 163) The Companions of the Prophet because they are Arabs and Al-Quran was revealed in Arabic, then they can capture the essential content and meaning of the verses of the Koran so that they believe baawa Allah is One, His nature Compassionate and Merciful. They did not ask again.
Then down again the holy verse: "Say (O Muhammad): Allah is One, God the place to ask, he did not have children and he was not born and no one who resembles him." (Al Ikhlas :1-4). The Friends of the prophet heard and read it then was absolutely convinced that Allah was the name of God. He is the One, not two, not three. He was not the father, He is not someone as the opinion of those children to Allah SWT Kristian them and also no one else like him.
And again the word of Allah Ta'ala: "No one is like Him, and He is the Hearer, the Seer." (As Shura: 11) The Prophet and The friends understood very well the purpose of this paragraph, that there is nothing that resembles God also Almighty and He does not resemble anything. He is heard and saw, everything seen and heard by Allah SWT.
He should not be likened to a king who sits premises in singgahsana. He should not be likened to the angel, with Jin, should not be likened to the head of state, should not be likened to sesiapa too. And again Allah revealed this verse: "ekalian that there will disappear, only eternal God Substance-mu, which has the greatness and glory." (Ar-Rahman: 26-27)
Believe The friends of the Prophet baahwa everything will disappear and the eternal only Allah who has the greatness and glory. Although in this verse is said to "face", which in Arabic means the beginning, but the Companions of the Prophet shall not discuss it because they know that what is meant by "face" in this verse is that His essence, according to Arab satera where commonly used words that show juz but is meant kulnya of the whole. In another verse explained also that unlicensed: "And that Allah is not willing to all of this nature." (Al Ankabut: 6)
Understand the Prophet and the Companions of Allah SWT king that stands alone, does not require any help sesiapa, because He is the most powerful, strongest, most valiant and can make anything she wants by herself, does not require any assistance sesiapa too. In other words, God and nature-His character has been stretched in the Qur'an in various chapters and verses of different places.
For instance there is something that is not understood, the prophets Companions asked the Prophet, which continues to be answered and explained by the prophet, the essential meaning of these verses, so there is no dispute the schools anymore. There is therefore no longer firqah-firqah on the lifetime of the Prophet SAW and no distinction of opinion, interpretation of these verses. They were united.
So also about Angels, Allah describes the Qur'an moderation so there is no doubt. For example Allah Ta'ala says: "Teach God to Adam all the names, then asked the angel what those names, if you were right." (Al Baqarah: 31)
When it's clear to Muslims, The friends bahawasanya prophet in heaven that no one other than human beings called Angels.Condition Angels are also described in this paragraph: "They do not disobey God if ordered and they do all the messengers of God." (At Tahrim: 6)
When it knew of the Companions of the Prophet that the Angels are beings who obey Allah and obey. In another verse says: "Say (O Muhammad): Those against Gabriel, (then he was the enemy of Allah SWT) because that Gabriel revealed the Quran in your heart with God's permission, to justify the books of Allah that earlier." (Al Baqarah: 97) When it is clear to the companions of the prophet that the Qur'an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad by Allah through the medium of Gabriel.
Similarly, on the Apostles of God from the beginning until the prophet Muhammad, about the holy kitab0kitab like the law, the Psalms, the Gospel and the Koran and suhuf-suhuf. So is the day Hereafter, Heaven, Hell, about Qada 'and Qadar Divine, dijelaskakn taste in the Qur'an and Hadith-Hadith of the Prophet on many occasions. Companions of the prophet memehamkan all sefaham-fahamnya and sure as sure-yakinnya.Dan if for example there is a less clear or abstruse or little dispute that the schools, then asked the Prophet in which the Prophet describes the problems as well as possible so it does not happen perselisishan schools again.
Prophet Muhammad died on 12 Rabi `Beginning year 11 AH along with the June 8 632M. On the day the king died, a group of friend rather than the Ansar gathered at a place called SAQIFAH BANI SA'IDAH to find a successor Caliph Rasul SAW who have died.Ansar is led by Saad bin Ubadah (Chairman of the Ansar tribe than the tribe Khazraj). Hearing this, the immigrants come together to the place tresebut led by Hadrat Abu Bakr As Siddiq ra
After a very heated debate between the Ansar with the immigrants who each attached mengawalkan candidate than their party, they get into agreement Companion raised the most primary of Hadrat Abu Bakr ra as the first Caliph. The debate was only between group Ansar who directs Saad bin Ubadah as the candidate with the immigrants directing Hadrat Hadrat Umar bin Khattab or Abu Bakr as the Caliph candidate prophet.
During the meeting, no one was backing up Hadrat Ali ibn Abi Talib as the successor of the Prophet's first caliph. Schools of the Shi'ah not exist at the time. There was only the Ansar and the immigrants, but it turns out that unlicensed schools of dispute between the Ansar and the immigrants did not cause firqah in Usuluddin, because the dispute was thought to have finished in time Hadrat Abu Bakr was appointed and elected as the Caliph of the votes agree / acclimation. In 30h, arising fahaman diapi Shiite-apikan by Abdullah bin Saba 'who opposed the Caliph Hadrat Usman bin Affan ra Abdullah bin Saba 'was a rabbi who converted to Islam. When he came to Medina, he did not get the award instead of the Caliphate and the Muslim than the other. Therefore, he's hurt.
After going "Siffin War", warfare fellow Muslim brothers are among the Military Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib by Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan (Gabenor Syria) in the year 37H, arising firqah Khawarij namely those who went out from class and Hadrat Ali Hadrat Muawiyah raAt the beginning of the century, 2H, arising also Mu'tazilites namely the People led by Wasil ibn Ata '(80h-born died 113H) and Umar ibn Ubayd (d. 145H).
The Mu'tazilites it issued a fatwa that odd-odd, different and contrary to the Prophet and Companions I'tiqad king. Among the fatwas that odd than the Mu'tazilites are the presence of "moon bainal manzilatain" that there is a place between the 2 places are in addition to Heaven and Hell.
Many other fatwas saying the Mu'tazilites instance Allah there is no nature, that the Qur'an is a creature, the Prophet SAW bermikraj only by the spirit, more reasonable considerations should take precedence over the Hadith the prophet Muhammad, Heaven and Hell is not eternal and will vanish and others fatwa wrong. Then arose also fahaman Qadariyah who say that free human actions were created by man himself, had nothing to do with Allah SWT.Rights have been given by God Almighty created mankind so that God Almighty does not know and do not care anymore what will be created by humans.
Then arose also fahaman jabariyah who said all that happens is that unlicensed than Allah, man has no power anything, no effort and no effort. Then arose also understand that equate fahaman Mujassimah ie Allah SWT with the creatures, have a hand, have legs, sit on the chair, down the stairs like humans, Allah is the light such as lamps and other beliefs. Later-born also understand that misrepresentation of tawasul schools, wasilah, about the grave pilgrimages, istigatsah than Ibn Taymiyyah who all disrupt the world of Islam and the Muslims
As a reaction from a perverted firqah before, then at the end of the 3rd century there arose a class H which are recognized as the Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamaat, led by 2 great scholars in Usuluddin ie Sheikh Abu Hassan Sheikh Ali al-Ash'ari and Abu Mansur Al Maturidi. Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamaat's words are sometimes referred to as the Ahl al-Sunnah alone or Sunni alone and is sometimes called the Ash'ari or Asya'irah associated with the first major cleric, Abu Hassan Ali Ash'ari.
Brief history of this great scholar is: His full name was Abu Hasan Ali ibn Ismail ibn Abi Basyar bin Ishaq bin Salim bin Ismail bin Abdillah bin Musa bin Bilal ibn Abi Burdah ibn Abi Musa Al-Ash'ari.Abi Musa is a well-known companions of the Prophet in Islamic history. Abu Hassan was born in Basra, Iraq in the year 260H ie 55 years after the death of Imam As Syafie RHM and died in Basra was also in the year 324H at the age of 64 years. He at first was a pupil rather than the father of his half of the Mu'tazilites a cleric, Sheikh Abu Ali Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab Al Jabai, but then he repented and came out than it Mu'tazilites class.
At that time, many scholars Mu'tazilites teaching in Basra, Kufa and
Baghdad.Ada 3 people namely Malmun Abbasid Caliph Harun Ar Rashid bin Al Muktasim and Al Watsiq is adherent fahaman caliphs Mu'tazilites or at least the main backers than Mu'tazilites class.
In the history stated that free in those days there was what is called slander "Al Quran beings" who sacrificed thousands of scholars who do not sefahaman with the Mu'tazilites. At the time of Abu Hassan al-Ash'ari young teens, Mu'tazilites scholars are very much in Basra, Kufa and Baghdad. The period that glorious era for them, kerana fahamannya seconded by the government.
Imam Abu Hassan was one young man who learns to Sheikh from Mu'tazilites namely Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Al Jabai.Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab is not a builder of Wahabi sect in Najd. Imam Abu Hassan Al Ash'ari view that free in the Mu'tazilites fahaman there are many big mistakes that are contrary to i'tiqad prophet Muhammad SAW and his Companions, he is busy and a lot of conflict with the Al Quran and Hadith.
So, he went out from class Mu'tazilites and repent to Allah SWT for his mistake earlier. Not so simple, but he appeared keawal lining around the front to fight and mengalahan the wrong Mu'tazilites it.One day he climbed into a pulpit in the great mosque of Basrah and make a speech is heard by many Muslims who gathered there.
He say: The brothers of the Muslims who are respected! Sesiapa who already know me, fine but who do not know, so I was Abu Hassan Ali As'ari children from Ismail ibn Abi Basyar. I used to argue that unlicensed Koran that creature, that unlicensed Allah should therefore not be seen with the eyes of the head in the Hereafter, and that free human beings who create works similar to the Mu'tazilites. Now I declare that unlicensed frankly I have repented of fahaman Mu'tazilites it and I had thrown Mu'tazilites understand it like I threw away my clothes and I am ready at any time to reject this Mu'tazilites ideology. "
(Zhumrul Islam 4 page 67) From that moment, Imam Abu Hassan al-Ash'ari struggling against the Mu'tazilites with oral and written, argued and competed with the Mu'tazilites everywhere, formulate and write in the books of his book i'tiqad Ahlussunah wal pilgrims so that he is famous as a scholar Usuluddin / monotheism which can subdue and destroy the ideology Mu'tazilites it.
He collects the best of the Qur'an and Hadith schools or i'tiqad prophet Muhammad SAW and his Companions, diperincinya nicely. Said Imam Zabidi, author of the book Ittihaf sadatil Muttaqin, Sharh Ihya Ulumuddin: "Imam Ash'ari has authored about 200 books." (See Ittihaf, vol 2, page 7) Among the books written by Imam Abu Hassan Al-Ash'ari:
1. Ibanah fi Usuluddin, 3 large volumes.
2. Maqalaatul Islamiyiin
3. Al Mujaz, 3 large volumes
4. K.H. Siraj Abbas
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