History Ahlusunnah Wal Jama (Version 1)

We intentionally did not say the birth of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaat but we call it the birth of the naming experts Wlajama'ah Sunnah.The reason it is Sunnah madzab experts in the travel road Rasulullullah PBUH and his companions. They are not the maker of heresy, so that name can not be dinisbatakan to individuals or groups. by krn it can not say "School expert on the Sunnah was born so many years." According to Ibn Taymiyyah school of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaat sect adl who have been there first. He was already in the know before God created the Abu Hanifa Shafi'i Malik and Ahmaf. Expert Sunnah is madzab Companions of the Prophet who had received them. Anyone who opposes the view that according to the Sunnah Expert maker means it is heresy.They have agreed that consensus' of people after the Companions. The inception of the naming of Ahlus Sunna wal Jama adl when the break as distinguished dikhabarkan Prophet.Because before the break there are no terms were a bit too well the term Ahlus Sunna wal Jama Khawarij or other Shiites. At that time all the Muslims is above the deen and understanding of who one is Islamic. "Verily in Allah's religion is Islam." Trials that appear at the beginning of the third century during the reign of al-Ma'mun and al-Mu'tashim then al-Watsiq at the time of the Jahmiyah deny the attributes of God and called Man to follow them understand .this madzab embraced by figures Rafidlah who support the ruling party. The deviation of the Expert Madzab certainly reject the Sunnah. by krn that they often received threats or torture. There is also distinguished in suicide intimidated or persuaded persuasion.But in a situation like this Imam Ahmad who remain steadfast and strong, so they imprisoned him so for some time. then they challenge them to debate. and there berdebatan very long reply. In the debate according to Imam Ahmad discussed the problems concerning the attributes of God and who associated with him regarding the texts of the arguments between those who justify and deny. with the difference in views was eventually divided into the ummah in groups. Imam Ahmad and other priests of the Expert Sunnah and Hadith are very aware of Experts Madzab damage Rafidlah Khawarij Qodariyah Jahmiyah and Murji'ah. But the temptation then arises krn debate. And God raised position this priest became Imam Sunnah as well as characters. Predicate is indeed feasible in sandangnya krn he is very persistent in spreading the states reviewing texts and atsar-atsarnya and explain all the secret. He did not issue a new statement statement-especially the view heretical. His persistence in memeperjuangkan Expert Sunnah can not doubt as to the clerics in the Maghrib say 'Madzab belonged to Malik and Shafi Ahmad property while his popularity. That madzab Imams madzab Usul is just as what one says'. "Imam Malik, may Allaah have mercy when asked about the Sunnah ahul He replied with saying" Ahlus Sunnah adl people who do not have laqab which they are known to him. They are not Jahmiyyun not Qadariyyun nor Rafidiyyun. "From here we have a deal like what I had said Dr. Mustafa Holmy "Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama adl progressors first understanding of the Muslims abandoned by the Holy Prophet in his state of reconciliation to them while we can not justify the beginning that we could stop him as who we can do in the other groups. There is no place for us to inquire about the history of the emergence ahlus Sunna like if we ask about the history of the emergence of the other groups. ".Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said in his book As-Sunnah Minhaju "Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama schools adl previous schools and who have been famous before God created the Imam Abu Hanifa Shafi'i Malik and Ahmad. He adl madhahib the Companions of the Prophet who accepted them. Anyone who was then he adl menyelisihi Ahlul heresy according to Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama. "From the above it is clear that expert Waljama'ah Sunnah way of life is the continuation of the Holy Prophet and his companions.Even if the rise of a priest in the era of innovation and alienation Expert Sunnah Aqeedah who called on people to fight against the opinion of a distinguished and who opposed it then he does not bring something new. He only renew madzzab experts who've worn the Sunnah and revive the teachings of which are buried. Because aqeedah and sisitemnya however has never changed. And if at some time or at a place where penisbatan madzab Expert Sunnah against a cleric or mujaddin then it is not krn scholars have been creating or making it up. It merely pertimbanganya krn he always called for humans to return to the as-Sunna. As for the early naming of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaat or Expert Hadith when it has occurred is the emergence of class divisions and the many innovations and a variety of classes and the many heresies and deviations. That's when a distinguished expert Sunnah brebeda reveal his identity with the others both in and manhaj aqidah them. But in essence they were just a continuation of what processes run the Messenger of Allah and his companions. Source

Manhaj and Aqeedah Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaat Mohammad Abdul Hadi al-Mishri.
Salafy Magazine Issue IX / Rabi 'Tsani/1/1996 us. Al-Islam - Center for Information and Communication Islam Indonesia
source file al_islam.chm

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